Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Does it work like that?

The day you will know me totally
the day I will know you totally,
Trust me,we will never feel like talking again!"


A friend of mine says ,"YES,it happens that way.Its because the day you know each and everything about each other,the fun of discovering is lost.Similar is the case with science.We have so many things yet to be discovered,and this excites us to carry on further research and hence makes the JOURNEY towards the aim of discovering that thing all the more FUN!DISCOVERING THE UNDISCOVERED IS THE DRIVING FORCE IN OUR LIFE!And the same is the case in a relationship. . . "

Well,In my opinion,No it doesn't happen that way.
To know someone completely you are serious for/truely like/love/wanna be friends with,is a very long process and the bond is strengthened slowly.So by the time you start knowing each other well,you would have already spent a great chunk of time with each other.And there is more than just knowing each other.The whole process of knowing each other is not a robotic process and when the two persons know each other there is bound to be some liking,disliking, attraction etc which would either draw you or repel you.And this happens at every step you know the other person more and after all the positives and negatives,we conclude our net stand for the person.This would all include doubts,confusions,unexplained behaviors and reactions, misunderstandings,expectations,possessiveness etc and is almost the part of the fun.

Relationship is 'infact' all about the journey of moving towards the common aim of discovering the undiscovered about each other and relishing the fun in it!!Knowing your partner completely helps build mutual faith.Excitement can be kept alive by surprises,doing new things together and redoing favorite things.When we use the term 'relationships',it includes friendship between two friends of same and opposite sex,commitment between two people who love each other,married couples,family relationships(mother,son,brother,sister)etc etc.Well if the argument my friend states is correct,then how do you explain the relationships like childhood buddies,lovers who are with each other for so many years,brother-sister relationships,true love cases etc.Trust me,had that been that simple and mechanical as stated by my friend,then life would have been too sweet and simple to live.But its never that simple.How do you then account for heartbreaks, complicated realationships and other feelings complications?The destination is "to be." I think love and liking is endless, and it's limitless. But it's often hard for us to really experience the abundance of what love is. So it's kind of a moment-to-moment destination — to be in the moment, to be in the present, to be with ourselves, to be with another, to be with Spirit. I think it's an endless journey, a journey that keeps revealing itself.

And all said and done,even in case after knowing someone completely or totally,one now finds them boring or the realtionship is no more exciting ,then thats just the fact to be accepted.At times, in relationships after the initial excitement/attraction phase ends,relationships develop a sort of tolerance, as partners get very comfortable and secure with one another. The powerful chemicals that flood our brains during the first stage, the attraction phase of a relationship diminish.The relationship may fall into a routine with familiar patterns turning into ruts.There are always ways to spice up things.Relationships do fail and at times and things just don't work out.But That doesn't mean to stop ourselves from knowing each other thoroughly, fearing that eventually things will get boring.If there really is 'something' between the two persons,one can seriously have a time of life with each other.The more you know a person, the better understanding you have of whether you like that person or not and hence you make better choices.

The aim of this life is not to just realize the dreams,its all about enjoying the path of the journey itself.Also its not just about knowing the other person,its also about the discovery of ourselves in others,knowing our own self more and more,rediscovering our mind,body,heart and soul which becomes memorable and exciting forever,unfurling the deeper and hidden mysteries.

PS-Of course ,not to forget the fact that I myself love things being mysterious . ;-)

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